A while back before we had other financial concerns I got in on a run of USED BIGBOY 4014 parts. They arrived today!
These are 4014's original super heater clips. New ones were used to replace these original ones. Imagine the history they could tell. Signed by Ed Dickens himself! The clips still retain their makers logo and part numbers! Going to frame the certificate with a shelf underneath holding the clips.
Took the railroad spike and drilled two holes through it, then took some extra R2 feet parts, aka metal tubes and made some standoff for it about an inch and 1/4th long. Real easy to make and no welding to do. Also two washers between the metal tubes and wood for support.
Started grinding all the bed frame rivets off and putting the thin unusable leg and bracket metal in a bucket. Then trade them with my recycler friend for used lumber. A win, win for everyone and even more recycling of materials happened in the process!
Got some more donated bed frames today and took inventory of my Re-recycled pieces from the old TRON room set that is no more(pictured in the pre-2017 section). Close to having enough metal to build a custom train lift like the one pictured below.
Thank you to the people that donated, it is much appreciated! If you would like to donated materials such as metal or lumber please E-MAIL us at [email protected] Brought up my old workbench from the basement now that I have room for it again in the workshop and modified it a bit to make it more usable. I started off by cutting off 3 1/2 inches on the legs so it is at a better working height. The top has a bit of flex in it so I am going to add another layer to it. Adding a quarter inch to the old half inch plywood that someone was throwing out. Cleaned the surface and add some glue between the layers. Lots of screws later the flex is gone. Adding the side boards back on to the new top thickness and inserting the smooth mdf top layer. Also storing the extra train track underneath till spring. Plenty of power.
Finally looking like a Dalek! First time getting all the pieces together on this one.
Now that the big parts are made it is time for the detail pieces. |
October 2023