During the summer months the indoor HO model railroad shuts down as any free time we do have we like to spend it outside with the Zoo train or our backyard railroad. Now with Fall near it is time to clean up the HO areas for the cold days ahead.
Lot of old projects to finish and new ones to start!
Moose's Workshop would like to welcome our newest Patreon, Mr. Scott! Thank you for joining our group. This now makes 3 Patreons we have.
PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/Moosesworkshop — feeling thankful. Took K-9 to Washington park in BELLEVUE NEBRASKA over the weekend to jam with his homies after the parade. LOL Coming events this month (August) you can see us at!
Wednesday the 16th and 30th at the Omaha Zoo. Fireman on steam engine 119. Saturday the 19th at Washington Park in Bellevue Ne. With K-9 from Doctor Who from 10 to noon. Come and say hi! With track repairs complete, we took U.P. 402 on a cool night run to watch the lightning bugs and the stars above. |
October 2023